Learn Korean with BTS #6 – 마음, 많이, 말하다, 매일, 모르다, 미치다

Basic Korean words beginning with the consonant ㅁ([mi-eum], [m] sound)


Let’s learn Korean words 마음, 많이, 말하다, 매일, 모르다, 미치다 with BTS lyrics.
Click on the image below to listen to all the BTS lyrics used in this post.

Learn Korean with BTS


마음 [ma-eum] mind, heart


ⒷⓉⓈ 우리 마음만은 똑같잖아
u-ri ma-eum-ma-neun ttok-gat-jja-na
Our hearts are still the same

*우리(we) +
마음(heart) + 만은(만(only) + 은(topic particle)) +
똑같잖아 (똑같다(be the same) + ~잖아(as you know)?)
(*맘 is a shortened form of 마음, and 맘 is also commonly used in everyday conversation.
~잖아(요) reminds the listener of something or rebukes the listener indirectly.
~잖아(요) is the same as ‘as you know’, ‘didn’t I say that~’ in English.)


많이 [ma-ni] a lot


ⒷⓉⓈ 많이 아팠나 보네
ma-ni a-pat-na bo-ne
You must have hurt a lot

*많이(a lot) +
아팠나 보네(아프다(hurt) + ~았다/었다(past tense ending) + ~나 보네(guess, must be))
(*아프다 means ‘hurt, pain’ and 아팠다 is the past tense of 아프다.)


말하다 [mal-ha-da] to talk


ⒷⓉⓈ 아무도 말 안 해줬잖아
a-mu-do mal an hae-jwot-jja-na
No one told me

*아무(nobody) + 도(too) +
말(word) +
안(not) +
해줬잖아(해주다(do) + ~았다/었다(past tense ending) + ~잖아(as you know))
(*해주다 means ‘do for; do as a favour’ and 해줬다 is the past tense of 해주다.
‘~잖아(요)’ reminds the listener of something or rebukes the listener indirectly.
‘~잖아(요)’ is the same as ‘as you know’, ‘didn’t I say that~’ in English.)


매일 [mae-il] every day


ⒷⓉⓈ 난 너를 위해 매일 새로울 거야
nan neo-reul wi-hae mae-il sae-ro-ul geo-ya
For you, every day I’ll be new

*난(나(I)+는(topic particle), =난) +
너(you) +를(object particle) + 위해(for) +
매일(every day) +
새로울 거야(새롭다(be new) + ~ㄹ/을 거야(be going to, will))
(*난 is a shortened form of 나는.
*Adding ‘~겠다/ㄹ 게/ㄹ 거야/을 거야/ ㄹ 거에요’ to the stem of a verb or an adjective makes it future tense.)


모르다 [mo-reu-da] to not know


ⒷⓉⓈ 난 널 몰라
nan neol mol-la
I don’t know you

*난(나(I)+는(topic particle), =난) +
널(너(you)+를(object particle), =널) +
몰라(don’t know)
(*난 is a shortened form of 나는 and 널 is a shortened form of 너를.)


미치다 [mi-chi-da] to be crazy


ⒷⓉⓈ 도대체 왜 이래 미쳤어?
do-dae-che wae i-rae mi-chyeot-sseo
What’s wrong with you? You’re crazy

*도대체(what on earth) +
왜(why) +
이래(like this) +
미쳤어?(are you crazy?)


Grammar Reference

*Adjective[verb] stem + ~잖아(요) : as you know, didn’t I told that
ex)똑같잖아 : 똑같다(be the same) + 잖아(as you know)
안 해줬잖아 : 안(not) + 해줬다(did for) + ~잖아(as you know)
~잖아(요) reminds the listener of something or rebukes the listener indirectly.

*Sentence structure
ex)난 널 몰라 (Subject + Object + Verb)
: 난(나(I)+는(topic particle)) + 널(너(you)+를(object particle)) + 몰라(don’t know)
I don’t know you (Subject + Verb + Object)

*Present tense : ~아/어/여요
ex)미쳤어? (are you crazy?)

*Past tense : ~았/었/였어요.
ex)안 해줬잖아 : 안(not) + 해주다(do) + ~았다/었다(past tense ending) + ~잖아(as you know)

*Future tense : ~(으)ㄹ 거예요
ex)새로울 거야 : 새롭다(be new) + ~ㄹ/을 거야(be going to, will)

*Noun + ~은/는 : noun + topic particle
ex)난 : 나(I) + 는(topic particle)
은 for nouns ending in a consonant, 는 for nouns ending in a vowel.

*Noun + ~을/를 : noun + object particle
ex)너를 : 너(you) + 를(object particle)
널 : 너(you) + 를(object particle)
을 for nouns ending in a consonant, 를 for nouns ending in a vowel.

*Noun + ~만 : only
ex)마음만은 : 마음(heart) + 만(only) + 은(topic particle)


Quiz. Linking words to images

Korean word quiz, linking words to images


BTS music video to enjoy

잠시 (Telepathy)

Well done for making it this far.
Watch the 잠시 (Telepathy) music video above and see if you can hear “우리 마음만은 똑같잖아”, which you learned today.

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