Learn Korean with BTS #12 – 카드, 칼, 커피, 코, 크다, 키스

Basic Korean words beginning with the consonant ㅋ([ki-euk], [k] sound)


Let’s learn Korean words 카드, 칼, 커피, 코, 크다, 키스 with BTS lyrics.
Click on the image below to listen to all the BTS lyrics used in this post.

Learn Korean with BTS


카드 [ka-deu] card


ⒷⓉⓈ 카드로 만든 집
ka-deu-ro man-deun jip
A house made of cards

*카드(card) + 로(with) +
만든(만들다(make) + ㄴ(noun modifier)) +


[kal] knife


ⒷⓉⓈ 매일 칼을 갈았지
mae-il ka-reul ga-rat-jji
I sharpened my knife every day

*매일(every day) +
칼(knife) + 을(object particle) +
갈았지(갈다(sharpen) + 았지(past tense, =았다))
(*To make a verb past tense, you must first remove 다 from the infinitive form of the verb, which gives you the verb stem. Then you must add the correct past tense ending to the verb to make it past tense.
If the last vowel in a verb stem is ㅏ or ㅗ, add 았다 or 았어 or 았어요.
If the last vowel in a verb stem is NOT ㅏ or ㅗ, add 었다 or 었어 or 었어요.
Also, if a verb ends in 하다, change the 하다 to 했다 or 했어 or 했어요 to make it past tense.)


커피 [keo-pi] coffee


ⒷⓉⓈ 너와 같이 좋아했던 민트향 커피를 먹다 보니
neo-wa ga-chi jo-a-haet-deon min-teu-hyang keo-pi-reul meok-dda bo-ni
As I drink this minty coffee that we used to like,

*너(you) + 와(with) +
같이(together) +
좋아했던 (좋아하다(like) + 던(used to)) +
민트(mint) + 향(scent) +
커피(coffee) + 를(object particle) +
먹다 보니 (먹다(eat) + ~다 보니(while doing something))
(*~던, ~았/었/였던 means ‘reminiscence’, which means telling a story that happened in the past.
~다 보니 is used to indicate ‘realizing something while doing something’.)


[ko] nose


ⒷⓉⓈ 너의 눈, 코, 입
neo-ui nun, ko, ip
Your eyes, nose, lips

*너(you) + 의(of) +
눈(eye) +
코(nose) +


크다 [keu-da] to be big


ⒷⓉⓈ 이것도 큰 욕심일까?
i-geot-ddo keun yok-ssi-mil-kka
Am I too greedy?

*이것(this) + 도(also) +
큰(big) +
욕심(greed) + 일까(is it))?
(*이다 is used to express that the subject and predicate are the same thing.
일까 is its interrogative form.)


키스 [ki-seu] kiss


ⒷⓉⓈ 아니면 진한 키스였나?
a-ni-myeon jin-han ki-seu-yeot-na
Or was it a deep kiss?

*아니면(아니다(no, not) + 면(if)) +
진한(deep) +
키스(kiss) + 였나( = 이었나, was it))?
(*The past tense of 이다 is 이었다 and 이었나(=였나) is its interrogative form.)


Grammar Reference

*Adjective[verb] stem + ㄴ/은/는/을 + noun : noun that adjective[verb]
ex)만든 집 : 만든(만들다(make) + ㄴ(noun modifier)) + 집 (house)
ㄴ/은/는/을 is added to verbs and adjectives to allow them to function as noun modifiers

*Noun + 이다 : to be
ex)욕심일까? : 욕심(greed) + 일까(is it?))
이다 is used to express that the subject and predicate are the same thing.
일까 is its interrogative form.

*The past tense of 이다 is 이었다 and 이었나(=였나) is its interrogative form.
ex)키스였나 : 키스(kiss) + 였나 (was it?, = 이었나?)

*Noun + 로/으로 : with [towards, to, by, through] noun
ex)카드로 : 카드(card) + 로(with)
으로 for nouns ending in a consonant, 로 for nouns ending in a vowel.

*Noun + ~을/를 : noun + object particle
ex)칼을 : 칼(knife) + 을(object particle)
커피를 : 커피(coffee) + 를(object particle)
을 for nouns ending in a consonant, 를 for nouns ending in a vowel.

*Noun + ~의 : of
ex)너의 : 너(you) + 의(of)

*Noun + ~도 : also, too
ex)이것도 : 이것(this) + 도(also)

*Verb stem + 았다/었다/았지/었지 : past tense
ex)갈았지(sharpened) : 갈다(sharpen) + 았지(past tense, =았다)


Quiz. Linking words to images

Korean word quiz, linking words to images


BTS music video to enjoy

OUTRO : House Of Cards

Well done for making it this far.
Listen to the OUTRO : House Of Cards music above and see if you can hear the “카드로 만든 집” you learned today.

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