Learn Korean with BLACKPINK #7 – 잠시, 잠깐, 가끔, 항상, 영원

Korean words for for a moment, sometimes, always, eternity : 잠시, 잠깐, 가끔, 항상, 영원

Let’s learn Korean words for for a moment, sometimes, always, eternity with BLACKPINK lyrics.
Click the play button below to listen to all the BLACKPINK lyrics used in this post.


잠시 [jam-si] for a moment

말해줘 너 절대 잠시도 한눈 안 판다고
mal-hae-jwo neo jeol-dae jam-si-do han-nun an pan-da-go
Tell me you never take your eyes off me for a second

*말해줘(말(talk) + 해주다(do for)) +
너(you) +
절대(never) +
잠시(for a moment) + 도(also) +
한(one) + 눈(eye) +
안(not) + 판다고(sell)
(*Actually, I am not sure if 팔다 of 한눈팔다 means to sell or not.
However, 한눈팔다 as a single word means to look elsewhere and to be distracted by doing something else.
~아/어/해 주다 indicates that an action is being done for someone.)


잠깐 [jam-kkan] for a moment

아마 다 잠깐 일지도 몰라
a-ma da jam-kkan il-ji-do mol-la
Maybe it’s all just for a moment

아마(maybe) +
다(all) +
잠깐(for a moment) +
일지도 몰라(이다(be) + ~ㄹ지도 몰라(might))
(*Adding ‘~ㄹ/을지도 모르다’ to a verb stem shows that there is doubt and that something is not certain.
It means ‘may, might, perhaps, maybe’.)


가끔 [ga-kkeum] sometimes

가끔 저도 놀라요‬
ga-kkeum jeo-do nol-la-yo‬
Sometimes I’m surprised too

*가끔(sometimes) +
저(I) + 도(too) +
놀라요(be surprised)
(*나 and 저 both mean I or me. 저 is a modest way of saying 나.)


항상 [hang-sang] always

내 두 눈은 항상 널 쳐다보고 있잖아
nae du nu-neun hang-sang neol chyeo-da-bo-go it-ja-na
My two eyes are always looking at you

*내(나(I) + 의(of), =내) +
두(two) +
눈(eye) + 은(topic particle) +
항상(always) +
널(너(you) + 를(object particle), =널) +
쳐다보고 있잖아(쳐다보다(look at) + ~고 있다(verb ~ing) + 잖아(as you know))
(*In English, there is a strict distinction between singular and plural, but in Korea the concepts are mixed and the plural is commonly used as the singular.
In this sentence, 눈(singular form of eye) is used instead of 눈들(plural form of eye, 들 is a plural suffix).
Adding ‘~고 있다’ to a verb stem shows the action is in progress.
~잖아(요) reminds the listener of something or rebukes the listener indirectly.
~잖아(요) is the same as ‘as you know’, ‘didn’t I say that~’ in English.)


영원 [yeong-won] eternity
영원한 [yeong-won-han] eternal
영원히 [yeong-won-hi] eternally

영원한 밤
yeong-won-han bam
Eternal night

*영원한(영원하다(be eternal) + ㄴ(noun modifier)) +


Grammar Reference

*Noun + ~도 : also, too
ex)잠시도 : 잠시(for a moment) + 도(also)
저도 : 저(I) + 도(too)

*Noun + ~은/는 : noun + topic marking particles
ex)눈은 : 눈(eye) + 은(topic particle)
은 for nouns ending in a consonant, 는 for nouns ending in a vowel.

*Verb stem + 고 : verb + and, and then, after
Verb stem + 고 있다 : to be verb ~ing
ex)쳐다보고 있잖아 : 쳐다보다(look at) + ~고 있다(verb ~ing) + 잖아(as you know)
Adding ‘~고 있다’ to a verb stem shows the action is in progress.

*Adjective[verb] stem + ㄴ/은/는/을 + noun : noun that adjective[verb]
ex)영원한 밤 : 영원한(영원하다(be eternal) + ㄴ(noun modifier)) + 밤(night)
ㄴ/은/는/을 is added to verbs and adjectives to make them work as noun modifiers.

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