Learn Korean with BLACKPINK #6 – 지금, 이제, 다음, 시간, 때, 그때

Korean words for now, next, time, that time : 지금, 이제, 다음, 시간, 때, 그때


Let’s learn Korean words for now, next, time, that time with BLACKPINK lyrics.
Click the play button below to listen to all the BLACKPINK lyrics used in this post.


지금 [ji-geum] now

지금 내게 집중해
ji-geum nae-ge jip-jung-hae
Focus on me now

*지금(now) +
내게(나(I) + 에게(to), =내게) +
집중해(집중(focus) +하다(do))
(*In some cases, nouns can be turned into verbs by simply adding the verb 하다 (to do, to be).
하다 [hada] (to do) is the dictionary form and there are several conjugations of 하다 in Korean.
1)해라[haera] 2)해[hae] 3)해요[haeyo] 4)하십시오[hasipsio]
해요, 해 are informal and are usually used in everyday conversation.
The politeness level is 1 < 2 < 3 < 4.
해요, 해 can both be used as imperative or declarative depending on the context.)


이제 [i-je] now

이제 끝이란 내 말은 믿지 마 yeah
i-je kkeu-chi-ran nae ma-reun mit-ji ma yeah
Don’t believe me when I say it’s over, yeah

*이제(now) +
끝(end) + 이란(이다(to be) + ~라는(known as), =이라는) +
내(나(I) + 의(of), =내) +
말(talk) + 은(topic particle) +
믿지 마(믿다(believe) + ~지마(don’t))


다음 [da-eum] next

다음 무대도 소개해 주세요‬
‪da-eum mu-dae-do so-gae-hae ju-se-yo‬
Please introduce me to the next stage

*다음(next) +
무대(stage) + 도(too)
소개해(소개(introduce) + 해(do)) +
(*Verb stem + ~아/어/해 주다 means to do the verb for me.)


시간 [si-gan] time

시간은 흘러가는데 마음만 급해지지
si-ga-neun heul-leo-ga-neun-de ma-eum-man geup-hae-ji-ji
Time is ticking, I’m getting impatient

*시간(time) + 은(topic particle) +
흘러가는데(흘러가다(flow) + 그런데(but), =흘러가는데) +
마음(mind) + 만(only) +
급해지지(급하다(be impatient) + 해지다(become))
(*는데 of ‘verb stem + 는데’ is a short conjunction for 그런데 which has the meaning of ‘but, so/therefore or and’.
Adjective stem + 아/어/해지다 means ‘become adjective’.)


[ttae] when, time, dirt

처음 만났을 때는‬ ‪그때잖아‬
cheo-eum man-na-sseul ttae-neun‬ ‪geu-ttae-ja-na‬
That’s when we first met

*처음(first) +
만났을 때는(만났다(met) + 을 때(when) + 는(topic particle)) +
그때잖아(그(that) + 때(time) + 잖아(as you know))
(*때 means time and ‘~ㄹ/을 때’ indicates a specific moment when something happens.
Sometimes 때 means dirt, dead skin.
~잖아(요) reminds the listener of something or rebukes the listener indirectly.
~잖아(요) is the same as ‘as you know’, ‘didn’t I say that~’ in English.)


그때 [geu-ttae] (at) that time

그때 난 네 갈증을 해소할 샴페인
geu-ttae nan ne gal-jeung-eul hae-so-hal syam-pe-in
I’m the champagne that’ll quench your thirst at that moment

*그때(at that time) +
난(나(I) + 는(topic particle), =난) +
네(너(you) + 의(of), =네) +
갈증(thirst) + 을(object particle) +
해소할(해소(relief) + 하다(do) + ㄹ(noun modifier for future tense verb)) +


Grammar Reference

*Noun + ~에게 : to
ex)내게 : 나(I) + 에게(to)

*Noun+하다 : verb
Many Korean nouns that indicate or describe an action or behavior can be combined with 하다 to form verbs.
In some cases, nouns can be turned into verbs by simply adding the verb 하다(to do, to be).
ex) 집중해 : 집중(focus) + 하다(to do, to be)

*Verb stem + ~지 마(요/세요) : don’t (negative commands)
ex)믿지 마 : 믿다(believe) + ~지마(don’t)
Verb stem + ~지 마세요 : please don’t
~지 마(요/세요) (-ji ma(yo/seyo)) is the grammatical structure used to tell someone not to do something.

*Verb stem + ~아/어/해 주다 : do (the verb) for me, please…
Adding ~아/어/해 주다 to a stem gives the sentence the meaning of ‘do (the verb) for me.’.
ex)소개해 주세요 : 소개(introduce) + 해(do) + 주세요(give)
If the last vowel in a verb stem is ㅏ or ㅗ, add 아 주다
If the last vowel in a verb stem is NOT ㅏ or ㅗ, add 어 주다.
Also, if a verb ends in 하다, change the 하다 to 해 주다

*Verb stem + 는데 : but, so, therefore, and
는데 of ‘verb stem + 는데’ is a short conjunction for 그런데 which has the meaning of ‘but, so, therefore, and’.
ex)흘러가는데 : 흘러가다(flow) + 그런데(but), =흘러가는데
그런데 connects two complete sentences while ‘verb stem + 는데’ connects two clauses.

*Adjective stem + 아/어/해지다 : become the adjective
Adjective stem + 아/어/해지다 means ‘become adjective’ which expresses change.
ex)급해지지 : 급하다(be impatient) + 해지다(become)
If the last vowel in a verb stem is ㅏ or ㅗ, add 아지다
If the last vowel in a verb stem is NOT ㅏ or ㅗ, add 어지다.
Also, if a verb ends in 하다, change the 하다 to 해지다

*Noun + 때, adjective/verb stem + ㄹ/을 때 : when, during
Noun + 때, adjective/verb stem + ㄹ/을 때 express the time at which an action occurs or its duration.
ex)만났을 때는 : 만났다(met) + 을 때(when) + 는(topic particle)
을 때 for nouns ending with a consonant, ㄹ 때 for nouns ending with a vowel.

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