Learn Korean with BLACKPINK #46 – 그래, 그렇다, 그래서, 그렇다고, 그래봤자

Korean words for yes, therefore, but, even though : 그래, 그렇다, 그래서, 그렇다고, 그래봤자


Let’s learn Korean words for yes, therefore, but, even though with BLACKPINK lyrics.
Click the play button below to listen to all the BLACKPINK lyrics used in this post.


그래 [geu-rae] yes, okay, all right

그래 난 멋대로 해
geu-rae nan meot-dae-ro hae
Yeah, I just do what I want

*그래(yeah) +
난(나(I) + 는(topic particle), =난) +
멋(taste) + 대로(according to) +
(*~대로, ~는 대로 is used to express that the following action is in accordance with the previous action)


그렇다 [geu-reo-ta] yes, to be so

난 그냥 그래
nan geu-nyang geu-rae
That’s just how I am

*난(나(I) + 는(topic particle), =난) +
그냥(just) +
그래(be so)


그래서 [geu-rae-seo] (and) so, therefore

넌 쉽지 않은 걸. 그래서 더 끌려.
neon swip-ji a-neun geol. geu-rae-seo deo kkeul-lyeo
You are no easy catch, and that’s why I want you more

*넌(너(you) + 는(topic particle), =넌) +
쉽지 않은(쉽다(be easy) + ~지 않다(don’t) +은(noun modifier)) +
걸(probably) +
그래서(so) +
더(more) +
끌려(be attracted)
(*Verb[adjective] stem + 지 않다 : don’t, can’t
Verb[adjective] stem + ~(으)ㄹ걸(요) : probably, I think)


그렇다고 [geu-reot-ta-go] but

그렇다고 함부로 들이대면 no no
geu-reo-ta-go ham-bu-ro deu-ri-dae-myeon no no
But if you cross the line, no, no

*그렇다고(but) +
함부로(recklessly) +
들이대면(들이대다(challenge) + ~면(if)) +
no no


그래봤자 [geu-rae-bwat-jja] even though, even so

누구와도 비교 못해. 그래봤자 you gon’ still love me
nu-gu-wa-do bi-gyo mot-hae. geu-rae-bwat-ja you gon’ still love me
I’m incomparable, you gon’ still love me nonetheless

*누구(who) + 와(with) + 도(too) +
비교(comparison) +
못해(can’t) +
그래봤자(even so) +
you gon’ still love me


Grammar Reference

*Verb[adjective] stem + 지 않다 : don’t, can’t
ex)쉽지 않은 : 쉽다(be easy) + ~지 않다(don’t) +은(noun modifier)

*~면, ~으면, ~다면/~(이)라면 : if (hypothetical)
ex)들이대면 : 들이대다(challenge) + ~면(if))


BLACKPINK music video to enjoy

LALISA music video

Well done for making it this far.
Watch the LALISA music video above and see if you can hear “누구와도 비교 못해. 그래봤자 you gon’ still love me”, which you learned today.

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