Learn Korean with BLACKPINK #35 – 크다, 작다, 많다, 적다

Korean words for big, small, a lot, few, little : 크다, 작다, 많다, 적다


Let’s learn Korean words for big, small, a lot, few, little with BLACKPINK lyrics.
Click the play button below to listen to all the BLACKPINK lyrics used in this post.


크다 [keu-da] to be big
[keun] big [adjective]
크게 [neu-rin] big [adverb]

뭔가 크게 어긋난 걸 난 느껴
mwon-ga keu-ge eo-geut-nan geol nan neu-kkyeo
I feel something’s not right in a big way

뭔가(something) +
크게(big) +
어긋난(어긋나다(go wrong) + ㄴ(noun modifier)) +
걸(것(thing) + 을(object particle), =걸) +
난(나(I) + 는(topic particle), =난) +
(*Adjective stem + ~게 makes an adjective into an adverb.)


작다 [jak-da] to be small
작은 [ja-geun] small [adjective]
작게 [jak-ge] small [adverb]

이런 식의 작은 갈등이‬ ‪그룹 안에서 일어나죠‬
i-reon si-gui ja-geun gal-deung-i‬ ‪geu-rup a-ne-seo i-reo-na-jyo‬
There’s this kind of little conflict in the group‬

*이런(this) +
식(style) + 의(of) +
작은(small) +
갈등(conflict) + 이(subject particle) +
그룹(group) +
안(inside) + 에서(in) +
일어나죠(일어나다(happen) + ~죠)
(*~죠/~지요 is used when the speaker wants to confirm or reaffirm something to the listener.


많다 [man-ta] to be a lot
많은 [ma-neun] a lot
적다 [jeok-tta] to be few/little
적은 [jeo-geon] few/little

지금 당장 많은 걸 바라는 게 아냐
ji-geum dang-jang ma-neun geol ba-ra-neun ge a-nya
I’m not expecting much at the moment

*지금(now) + 당장(right now) +
많은(많다(much) + ㄴ(noun modifier)) +
걸(것(thing)+을(object marker),=걸) +
바라는(바라다(want) + ㄴ(noun modifier)) +
게(것(thing) + 이(subject marker), =게) +
(*This sentence has no subject.
It’s important to note that while English sentences require a subject, Korean sentences often omit the subject.
The omitted subject can be identified in the context of the dialogue or writing.)


Grammar Reference

*Adjective stem + ~게 makes an adjective into an adverb.
ex)크게 : 크다(be big) + ~게
작게 : 작다(be small) + ~게


*Present tense : Adjective/verb stem + ~아/어/해요
*Past tense : Adjective/verb stem + ~았/었/했어요
*Future tense : Adjective/verb stem + ~(으)ㄹ 거예요 / ~ㄹ 게요/ ~겠어요
The basic way to get the verb/adjective stem is to remove 다 from the verb/adjective.
If there is a vowel ㅏ or ㅗ on the final syllable of the adjective/verb stem, 아요(present tense), 았어요(past tense), 을 거예요(future tense) is used.
If there is a vowel other than ㅏ or ㅗ on the final syllable of the adjective/verb, 어요(present tense), 었어요(past tense), ㄹ 거예요(future tense) is used.
Also, if there is 하다 in the adjective/verb, 하다 changes to 해요(present tense), 했어요(past tense), 할 거예요(future tense).

Below you can see the conjugation of 크다, 작다, 많다, 적다 by tenses.

Present tense Past tense Future tense
크다 커요 컸어요 클 거예요
작다 작아요 작았어요 작을 거예요
많다 많아요 많았어요 많을 거예요
적다 적어요 적었어요 적을 거예요


*Speech levels

The three most commonly used Korean speech levels are 합쇼체 (formal polite), 해요체 (informal polite) and 해체 (informal plain).
*The formal polite style : Adjective/verb stem + ~(스)ㅂ니다
~(스)ㅂ니다 is used more in formal or public situations including the military, news, reporting presentations, meetings and lectures. It’s mainly used to address large gatherings or people you don’t know personally.
*The informal polite style : Adjective/verb stem + ~아/어/해요
~아/어/해요 is most commonly used in everyday life. Compared to the formal polite style, the informal polite style is softer and less formal, so it is mainly used among family members, friends, shopkeepers and other close acquaintances.
*The informal plain style : Adjective/verb stem + ~아/어/해
As for the informal plain style ~아/어/해, it is mainly used among friends from superiors to people of lower rank and among family members.

Below you can see the conjugation of 크다, 작다, 많다, 적다 by speech levels.

Formal polite Informal polite Informal plain
크다 큽니다 커요
작다 작습니다 작아요 작아
많다 많습니다 많아요 많아
적다 적습니다 적어요 적어

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