Learn Korean with BLACKPINK #19 – 몸, 몸매, 맘, 마음, 정신, 심장, 맘대로, 멋대로

Korean words for body, figure, mind, spirit, heart : 몸, 몸매, 맘, 마음, 정신, 심장, 맘대로, 멋대로


Let’s learn Korean words for body, figure, mind, spirit, heart with BLACKPINK lyrics.
Click the play button below to listen to all the BLACKPINK lyrics used in this post.


[mom] body

내 몸이 맘대로 안 돼. 어지러워
nae mo-mi mam-dae-ro an dwae. eo-ji-reo-wo
I can’t control my body, I’m getting dizzy

*내(나(I) + 의(of), =내) +
몸(body) + 이(subject particle) +
맘(heart) + 대로(according to) +
안(not) + 돼(be) +
어지러워(be dizzy)


몸매 [mom-mae] body, figure

내 몸매는 특별해 Oh yes
nae mom-mae-neun teuk-byeol-hae Oh yes
My body is one of a kind. Oh yes

*내(나(I) + 의(of), =내) +
몸매(body) + 는(topic particle) +
특별해(특별(specialness) + 하다(do, be))
Oh yes


[mam] mind, heart

내 맘이 맘대로 안 돼. 어이없어
nae ma-mi mam-dae-ro an dwae. eo-i-eop-sseo
I can’t control my heart. It’s ridiculous

*내(나(I) + 의(of), =내) +
맘(heart) + 이(subject particle) +
맘(heart) + 대로(according to) +
안(not) + 돼(be) +
어이없어(be absurd)


마음 [ma-eum] mind, heart

넌 내 마음에 불을 질러줘
neon nae ma-eu-me bu-reul jil-leo-jwo
You set my heart on fire

*넌(너(you) + 는(topic particle), =넌) +
내(나(I) + 의(of), =내) +
마음(heart) + 에(at) +
불(fire) + 을(object particle) +
질러줘(지르다(set) + ~어주다(do for))
(*Verb stem +~아/어/해 주다 indicates that something is being done for someone.)


정신 [jeong-sin] spirit, mind

정신을 차리고 보니 네 모든 게 못나 보여
jeong-si-neul cha-ri-go bo-ni ne mo-deun ge mot-na bo-yeo
When I come to my senses, everything about you looks bad

*정신(spirit) + 을(object particle) +
차리고(차리다(set) + ~고(and)) +
보니(보다(see) + ~니(connective ending)) +
네(너(you) + 의(of), =네) +
모든(all) +
게(것(thing) + 이(subject particle), =게)
못나 보여(못나다(be bad-looking) + 보이다(be seen))
(*The word 보이다 is the passive voice of 보다. And 보이다 is used to say that someone can see something.)


심장 [sim-jang] heart

내 심장의 색깔은 black
nae sim-jang-ui saek-kka-reun black
The color of my heart is black

*내(나(I) + 의(of), =내) +
심장(heart) + 의(of) +
색깔(color) + 은(topic particle) +


맘대로 [mam-dae-ro] at one’s pleasure, at one’s discretion, freely

Black 했다 Pink 했다 내 맘대로 바꿈
black haet-da Pink haet-da nae mam-dae-ro ba-kkum
I am black, I am pink, I can change between both if I want to

*Black +
했다(did) +
Pink +
했다(did) +
내(나(I) + 의(of), =내) +
맘(heart) + 대로(according to) +
(*~대로, -는 대로 is used to express that the following action is in accordance with the previous action.
Adding ㅁ/음 to the stem of a verb or adjective makes it a noun.
음 for nouns ending with a consonant, ㅁ for nouns ending with a vowel.)


멋대로 [meot-dae-ro] at one’s pleasure, at one’s discretion, freely

네 멋대로 내 사랑을 끝낼 순 없어
ne meot-dae-ro nae sa-rang-eul kkeut-nael sun eop-seo
You can’t just end this love on your own

*네(너(you) + 의(of), =네) +
멋(taste) + 대로(according to) +
내(나(I) + 의(of), =내) +
사랑(love) + 을(object particle) +
끝낼 순 없어(끝내다(end) + + ~ㄹ 수(dependent noun) + 없다(don’t have))
(*~대로, -는 대로 is used to express that the following action is in accordance with the previous action)
Verb stem + ~ㄹ 수 있다’ means ‘can’ and ‘Verb stem + ~ㄹ 수 없다’ means ‘can’t’.)


Grammar Reference

*Adding ㅁ/음 to the stem of a verb or adjective makes it a noun.
ex) 바꿈(change) : 바꾸다(change) + ㅁ
음 for nouns ending in a consonant, ㅁ for nouns ending in a vowel.

The most common Korean particles are listed below.
Subject particle: 이 / 가
Topic particle: 은 / 는
Object particle: 을 / 를
이, 은, 을 for nouns ending with a consonant, 가, 는, 를 for nouns ending with a vowel.

이/가 은/는 을/를
몸이 몸은 몸을
몸매 몸매가 몸매는 몸매를
맘이 맘은 맘을
마음 마음이 마음은 마음을
정신 정신이 정신은 정신을
심장 심장이 심장은 심장을

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