Learn Korean with BLACKPINK #18 – 얼굴, 눈, 코, 입, 손, 목, 머리

Korean words for face, eye, nose, mouth, hand, neck, head : 얼굴, 눈, 코, 입, 손, 목, 머리


Let’s learn Korean words for face, eye, nose, mouth, hand, neck, head with BLACKPINK lyrics.
Click the play button below to listen to all the BLACKPINK lyrics used in this post.


얼굴 [eol-gul] face

얼굴이 뜨겁고 가슴은 계속 뛰어
eol-gu-ri tteu-geop-go ga-seu-meun gye-sok ttwi-eo
My face goes red and my heart is racing

*얼굴(face) + 이(subject particle) +
뜨겁고(뜨겁다(be hot) + ~고(and)) +
가슴(heart) + 은(topic particle) +
계속(continuously) +


[nun] eye, snow

한순간 눈 깜빡할 사이 사라질지 몰라
han-sun-gan nun kkam-ppa-kal sa-i sa-ra-jil-ji mol-la
I might disappear in a blink of an eye

*한순간(moment) +
눈(eye) +
깜박할(깜박하다(blink) + ㄹ(noun modifier)) +
사이(time) +
사라질지 몰라(사라지다(disappear) + ~지 모르다(might))
(*Verb/adjective + ~(으)ㄹ지(도) 모르다 means ‘might, may’, expressing a guess that something might happen.
눈 means eye, but it can also mean snow.)


[ko] nose

굳이 애써 노력 안 해도 모든 남자들은 코피가 팡팡팡
gu-ji ae-sseo no-ryeok an hae-do mo-deun nam-ja-deu-reun ko-pi-ga pang-pang-pang
Without even trying, all the guys get nosebleeds like pangpangpang

*굳이(strongly) +
애써(hard) +
노력(effort) +
안(not) +
해도(하다(do) + ~도(even if)) +
모든(all) +
남자(man) + 들(plural suffix) + 은(topic particle) +
코(nose) + 피(blood) + 가(subject particle) +


[ip] mouth

인기를 논하자면 안 해. 입만 아픔
in-gi-reul non-ha-ja-myeon an hae. ip-man a-peum
I won’t talk about popularity, only my mouth hurts

*인기(popularity) + 를(object particle) +
논하자면(논하다(discuss) + ~자면(connective ending)) +
안(not) +
해(do) +
입(mount) + 만(only) +
(*~자면 is a connective ending used to assume a certain intention or thought.
입만 아프다 is an idiom used when someone is unable to understand or refuses to accept something that has been said repeatedly.)


[son] hand

네 손이 내 허리를 감싸고 도네
ne so-ni nae heo-ri-reul gam-ssa-go do-ne
Your hands wrap around my waist

*네(너(you) + 의(of), =네) +
손(hand) + 이(subject particle) +
내(나(I) + 의(of), =내) +
허리(waist) + 를(object particle) +
감싸고(감싸다(wrap) + 고(and)) +


[mok] neck

짖어봐 네 목에 목줄은 내 거니까
ji-jeo-bwa ne mo-ge mok-ju-reun nae geo-ni-kka
Bark, because the leash on your neck is mine

*짖어봐(짖다(bark) + ~어보다(try ~ing)) +
네(너(you) + 의(of), =네) +
목(neck) + 줄(string) + 은(topic particle) +
내(나(I) + 의(of), 내) +
거니까(것(thing) + 이다(be) + 니까(because))
(*~아/어/해 보다 is mainly used to talk about past experiences and to try something out.
~(으)니까 expresses reasons or causes for something.)


머리 [meo-ri] head, hair

어떤 여자가‬ ‪머리가 짧은데 이렇게 꽉 묶고‬ ‪어색한 느낌이었어‬
eo-tteon yeo-ja-ga‬ ‪meo-ri-ga jjal-beun-de i-reo-ke kkwak mu-kko‬ ‪eo-sae-kan neu-kki-mi-eo-sseo‬
I saw a girl with short hair, but she tied it up so tight and it felt awkward

*어떤(a certain) +
여자(woman) + 가(subject particle) +
머리(hair) + 가(subject particle) +
짧은데(짧다(be short) + 은데(but)) +
이렇게(like this) +
꽉(tight) +
묶고(묶다(tie) + ~고(and)) +
어색한(어색하다(be awkward) + ㄴ(noun modifier)) +
느낌이었어(느낌(feeling) + 이다(be) + 었다(past tense))

(*머리 means head, but it can also mean hair(머리카락[meo-ri-ka-rak]).
이었다(was) is a past tense of 이다(to be).
To make a verb past tense, you must first remove 다 from the infinitive form of the verb, which gives you the verb stem. Then you must add the correct past tense ending to the verb to make it past tense.
If the last vowel in a verb stem is ㅏ or ㅗ, add 았다 or 았어 or 았어요.
If the last vowel in a verb stem is NOT ㅏ or ㅗ, add 었다 or 었어 or 었어요.
Also, if a verb ends in 하다, change the 하다 to 했다 or 했어 or 했어요 to make it past tense.


Grammar Reference

The most common Korean particles are listed below.
Subject particle: 이 / 가
Topic particle: 은 / 는
Object particle: 을 / 를
이, 은, 을 for nouns ending with a consonant, 가, 는, 를 for nouns ending with a vowel.

이/가 은/는 을/를
얼굴 얼굴이 얼굴은 얼굴을
눈이 눈은 눈을
코가 코는 코를
입이 입은 입을
손이 손은 손을
목이 목은 목을
머리 머리가 머리는 머리를


BLACKPINK music video to enjoy

Shut Down music video

Well done for making it this far.
Watch the Shut Down music video above and see if you can hear “짖어봐 네 목에 목줄은 내 거니까”, which you learned today.

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