1000 Korean words for everyday use – Basic vocabulary from K-dramas #23

Welcome back. This is the 23rd post in the series of 1000 Korean words for everyday use by analyzing the word frequency of more than 1,000 episodes of Korean dramas.

Today, let’s explore the meaning and context of 5 key Korean words “언제, 죄송하다, 언니, 속, 힘” with sample sentences.
Click the play button below to listen to all the words and sample sentences in this post.


Basic Korean words : 언제, 죄송하다, 언니, 속, 힘


111. 언제 [eon-je] – when

– 언제 [eon-je] is used to inquire about the time of an event or action.
– 언제나 [eon-je-na] means “always” or “all the time”.

Example sentences:

언제 오실 건가요? When will you come?
언제나 사랑해. I love you always.


112. 죄송하다 [joe-song-ha-da] – to be sorry, to apologize (formal)

– 죄송하다 [joe-song-ha-da] is a formal way of expressing an apology or a feeling of being sorry.

Example sentences:

죄송합니다, 실수했어요. I apologize, I made a mistake.


113. 언니 [eon-ni] – older sister (used by females)

– 언니 [eon-ni] is used by women to refer to their older sister.

Example sentences:

언니, 내일 같이 영화 볼래요? Hey, older sister, do you want to watch a movie tomorrow?


114. 속 [sok] – inside, stomach

– 속 [sok] refers to the interior or inside of something.

Example sentences:

속이 너무 아파요. My stomach hurts a lot.


115. 힘 [him] – strength, power

– 힘 [him] refers to physical or mental strength.
– 힘들다 [him-deul-da] is used to say that something is hard or difficult.
– 힘내다 [him-nae-da] means “to cheer up” or “to gain strength”.

Example sentences:

너무 힘들어. It’s too hard.
너무 힘들면 관 둬. If it’s too hard, stop.
힘내. Cheer up.


Grammar & Study Resources

Learning how to apologize in Korean is an important aspect of language and cultural understanding. Saying sorry correctly can help maintain respectful and considerate interactions with native speakers.

To learn more about how to say sorry in Korean, you can visit the following website
How to Say “I’m Sorry” in Korean – Ways to apologize

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